Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lies, Lies, There all Lies!

Government Secretes. Okay are you interested? Well you should be. Did you know that everything that happens, whether it’s a local shooting, or even about the wars in Iraq, the government hides some details? Like when we watch an intriguing story on the news, it’s actually not the full story. Do you want the full scoop? To darn bad. Because unless you work in a government agency, the odds are, you won’t find out the whole truth. Scandalous? Yeah, you might think so, but they have every right to do so. In my personal opinion, I believe that they shouldn’t leave anything out. In all fairness, why do they get to know but we don’t? It just doesn’t seem fair! Listen, I’m a big believer in phenomenon; I was heartbroken when I was not able to uncover the truth about what really happened in Roswell New Mexico. Aliens just fascinate me, and I kept hearing different versions of the truth. And sometimes the government changes the story completely, and just knocks it way out of proportion. It’s ridiculous. They have also stretched the truth about what happens in war. If one of my relatives were at battle, I would be pretty upset if I heard lies about what really happened in war. I would be worried, that something has gone wrong at the battle field. All people should be able to know what’s happening. That is the point of watching the news. Okay now everybody; hold your horses, its metaphor time! Let’s say that your mom, made you this smelly dinner, but she would not tell you what’s in it, but you had to eat it anyway. Now relate that to what stories we are being fed, but we don’t know what their made up of. Secrets are secrets, give it up, someone will eventually find out!

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